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Choose your massage style

Combination Massage
Customized pressure using Swedish techniques to warm up the muscles, followed by medium to deep pressure to relieve tension. Acupressure is used as needed in specific areas.
Specialty Massages
Hot Stone
Light to medium pressure using smooth, heated stones. Lightly scented oil. Melts tense muscles.

Light to medium pressure, full body massage face-down on a special table with the belly and breast recesses or in a side-lying position. Cocoa butter lotion may be applied to the belly, if requested, to help reduce stretch marks.

Stretching and Deep Tissue combination
This massage includes a light warm up of a specific muscle group followed by deep tissue and trigger points then stretching and range of motion techniques.

Thai on the Table

This is a variation of Traditional Thai Massage which is done on a mat on the floor. Clients remain clothed in comfortable clothing, easy to move and be moved in. No lotion or oil is needed. Techniques include gentle rocking, rhythmic compression, and passive stretching. Think of this as assisted stretching or yoga where you lay (or sit) in various positions while your therapist gently stretches you. Benefits are feelings of being better grounded, focused and energized as well as a renewed sense of wellbeing and increased flexibility. This is a 90-minute or 120-minute session.
Jade Stone Roller Table
This can be an add-on to your massage or a stand-alone session. Seven jade stone rollers for the back and four for the legs. Table can tilt to a reclined position. Similar to roller tables at a chiropractor's office, these rollers gently stretch the spine and massage the muscles.
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